

General Admission Standards for All Applicants

Canadian Chinese School of Theology Calgary welcomes applicants with Christian commitment who desire to further their studies and gain new levels of academic, professional and ministerial expertise within a vibrant community of faith and learning. 

As a graduate theological school, CCST Calgary admits students who have completed a baccalaureate degree from an accredited university or college.  In exceptional circumstances, mature students without an accredited baccalaureate degree may be considered for admission if the Admissions Committee is satisfied that their educational background and life experience have prepared them for theological study at the graduate level.  Applicants are advised that a strong background in the humanities and social sciences is advantageous.

Those accepted for study at CCST Calgary are expected to enter heartily into the community life of the Seminary, cooperate with other students in the self-government of the student body and cultivate a sympathetic understanding of CCST Calgary’s denominational and ethnic diversity.

Canadian Chinese School of Theology Calgary welcomes applicants with Christian commitment who desire to further their studies and gain new levels of academic, professional and ministerial expertise within a vibrant community of faith and learning.

Application documents required (Canadian/International Students):

Program                                               Qualification                                                     Grade Point Average Required

Bachelor of Religious Studies            High School/College Level                                 67% or C+ or 2.3 on 4.0 scale

Graduate Diploma, MTS, MDiv         Bachelor’s degree or equivalent                         67% or C+, or 2.3 on a 4.0 scale

THM,                                                 MDiv or equivalent                                              77% or B+, or 3.3 on a 4.0 scale

In some circumstances, the Admissions Committee may consider applicants who do not meet the minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) requirement for admission on probation if there is evidence of potential to engage and succeed in graduate theological education.

Please note that meeting these minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

Admission Standards for International Applicants

(United States and outside North America)

 Applicants from outside Canada must meet the admission requirements listed above in addition to the following:

  • Tuition and Fees: International students must be enrolled as full-time students throughout the entire program (9 to 15 credit hours or 3 to 5 courses in both the fall and winter semesters). As required by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), the applicant must give satisfactory evidence of sufficient financial resources to meet the current standards of IRCC when applying for the study permit.
  • Medical Insurance: If you are a student from outside Canada, you may be eligible for AHCIP coverage. Students who have a 12-month study permit (valid for an Alberta educational institute) and who will reside in Alberta for 12 months or more are eligible for AHCIP coverage and should apply. Students with study permits valid for more than 3 months, but less than 12 months, may be eligible for AHCIP coverage if their application is accompanied by a letter from the student confirming their intent to reside in Alberta for at least 12 months. Please refer to following website for how to apply Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP)



           We can also help you find community resources, such as walk-in medical clinics, public     health centres, hospitals, family doctors accepting new patients and a variety of other community services.

  • Study Permit: All international applicants are required to provide proof to the CCST Calgary Admissions Office that they have received a Study Permit from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) prior to registration. Please refer to the IRCC website for detailed information: canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship.html.
  • Medical Form: International applicants are required to submit a completed medical form available from the Admissions Office.
  • Application Fee: International applicants are required to submit a non-refundable application fee of $150.

Admission on Probation

Any student admitted with less than the required Grade Point Average (GPA) in their previous degree will automatically be placed on probation. Students entering on “special admission” status without an accredited bachelor’s degree will automatically be placed on probation.

Visiting Students

 A visiting student can enrol in a limited number of courses at Canadian Chinese School of Theology Calgary. There are three types of visiting students: Occasional Students and Letter of Permission Students.

These categories are not available to applicants in the following situations:

  1. Applicants who do not have an undergraduate degree.
  2. International students
  3. Students who do not meet CCST’s English language requirements.

 Occasional Students

  1. An Occasional Student is one who has already completed a baccalaureate degree and wishes to take graduate-level course work before formally applying to a degree program. Occasional Students may normally complete five courses for credit, which may be applied to a program of study at Canadian Chinese School of Theology. This may be extended in consultation with the Registrar. Students who later desire to pursue a degree or diploma program must meet regular admissions standards and complete the full application process.
  2. Admission as an Occasional Student does not guarantee acceptance into a degree or diploma program at Canadian Chinese School of Theology Calgary.

Admission by Letter of Permission (LOP)

  1. Students registered at another graduate theological institution are eligible to take courses at Canadian Chinese School of Theology Calgary provided that they submit a Letter of Permission from their home institution. This letter should indicate the course(s) they wish to take and their current academic standing. If any of the desired courses require the completion of prerequisites, the student must provide proof that the requirements have been met. This can be indicated in the Letter of Permission or by submission of a transcript. Students admitted on Letter of Permission should be aware that they are not eligible to receive a degree or diploma from Canadian Chinese School of Theology Calgary.
  2. At least three weeks prior to the end of the semester, LOP students must contact the Office of the Registrar to finalize the official transfer of grades. To apply for Admission on a Letter of Permission, submit the Visiting Student Application form.

 Audit Students

An audit student is one who may audit a course for non-credit purposes.  Audit students are not required to fulfil the course work requirements, but must adhere to normal attendance requirements. The instructor is under no obligation to grade any materials submitted by the audit student.  Audit students may be restricted from certain classes, and the number of audit students per class may be limited.

To audit a course at CCST Calgary, complete the Visiting Student Application form available from the Admissions Office.

To register for courses, the audit student must submit a completed registration form to the Office of the Registrar. Permission from the Registrar and the course professor may be required.

 Readmission to a Second Degree

Graduates of the Master of Theological Studies (MTS) program may wish to continue their studies to obtain a Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree. In most cases, this is possible with two additional years of study. Students need to complete the application process, as they are requesting entrance into a new program of study.  Upon acceptance, the Registrar will determine the courses required to complete the MDiv degree.


 If the last semester of enrolment occurred less than three (3) years ago, the student may contact the Office of Registrar for course registration.

Students who have been absent from the Seminary for three (3) years or more must submit a new application to the Admissions Office. Alumni who graduated are also required to reapply after three (3) years through the Admissions Office to reactivate their file.

  1. 推薦信
  • 兩份使用卡爾加里學院提供的表格的推薦信。推薦表應由以下人員填寫,並直接通過電子郵件/郵寄給招生辦公室:
  • 一位來自本教會的牧師,他可以評估申請人的個人素質和是否適合在神學院學習。
  • 一位熟悉申請人學術表現並能評估申請人是否適合研究生學習的教授提供的學術推薦信。學術推薦信可以用最近的雇主等人的推薦信來代替。
  1. 補充材料
  • 一份關於申請人個人信仰和事工呼召的書面見證
  • 完成一小時的聖經測試(測試成績達不到60%的學生需要參加新約聖經和舊約聖經的補習課程)。
  • 與卡爾加里學院的兩名教師進行面試。
  • 道學碩士、神學碩士申請者需額外提供一份牧者推薦信。
  • 申請神學碩士的學生需要提交一份與申請領域相關的研究報告。
