
Biblical Interpretation

A study of central methods and interpretative principles involved in discerning the meaning of the biblical text. Topics covered include essential steps in interpreting the Bible, the variety of methods and approaches available to the contemporary student of Scripture, historical and theological issues arising out of the interpretative task, the relationship between the testaments, word studies and literary genre. Students learn to use the standard tools of advanced biblical research.

Introduction to Christian Education

An overview of the educational ministry within the Chinese church context. The principles of Christian education ministry, and the application of those principles within the Chinese church context will be examined. The course focuses on biblical, theological, philosophical, historical, psychological and methodological aspects of educational ministry in the Chinese church. Issues and common problems related to today’s Chinese church educational ministry will also be discussed.

History of Christianity I

A survey of the history of Christianity from the earliest days of the church through the first phase of the Reformation. It examines the main currents of spirituality, theology, missions, worship, organization, and the church’s relationship with the society of each particular era. The student is exposed to some of the most formative periods in the story of the church through the reading of a variety of classic Christian writings. This interaction with the past is designed to help the student understand the breadth and richness of their faith, and be more aware of the struggles their forebears have faced, with success and loss that shaped the movement of human history.

History of Christianity II

A survey of the history of Christianity from the time of the Reformation through the 20th century. It explores the main currents in spirituality, theology, missions, worship, organization, and their interaction with society. Through the reading of primary documents from different traditions, students are challenged to broaden their understanding of the Christian faith. The experiences of the church facing the cultural changes of the past centuries will help the student wrestle with the issues of our postmodern society. Recommended prerequisite: History of Christianity I.

Christians in the Marketplace

Seeks to provide a biblical, theological reading and understanding of the marketplace as a context for kingdom impact and ministries. Particular attention will be given to the theologies of marketplace, work, calling, and worker. It also examines the main currents of spirituality, ethics, missions that shape the prospect of ministry, and seeks to address the many struggles Christians are facing in the marketplace for effective pastoring.


Correlated with lessons learned in the classroom, students will complete a mentored learning experience (2 semesters in duration, 3 credit hours). Systematically, students will develop skills in observation, analysis and reflection on the practice of ministry in their own church, other designated churches or para-church organizations. Students may choose to intern in a mission field. Refer to Pastoral Ministry Internship Handbook for details. 

Chinese Church Leadership

The purpose of this course is to explore contemporary leadership theories and provide biblical leadership concepts for the Chinese church. Other than profiling the developmental process of a spiritual leader, this course also guides the students to engage in effective church leadership through strategic ministry planning. Students will learn how to appreciate various leadership styles and be able to serve both as a team leader and a team player. The course project is practical and applicable to existing church ministries.

Issues, Strategies and Direction in Chinese Churches

Prepares students to anticipate and take up the challenges of the future. A variety of ministry issues related to the future development of the Chinese churches are covered. Strategies for effective Chinese church growth in a North American context are examined. Ministry directions for the North American Chinese churches in the 21st century are investigated and proposed from a biblical, cultural, contextual and practical perspective.  Recommended prerequisite: Chinese Church Leadership.

Cross-cultural Understanding of Mission

Designed to introduce students to the discipline of cultural anthropology from a Christian perspective. Students will learn not only basic concepts such as the definition of culture, worldviews, social structure, kinship systems and religions, but also the application to cross-cultural missionary work.

Mission Ministry and Strategy in the Chinese Church

Based on the importance and implementation of Christian mission in the Chinese churches, this course deals with the foundation of how to develop mission programs. It includes the study of theology of missions, methods and strategies in world evangelization, and models for building a practical mission program in a local church.

Introduction to Theology of Mission

Provides an overview of both the Old and New Testaments, and explores the biblical and theological foundation of global mission, to help the student to grasp the nature and heart of God, and the identity and vocation of God’s people–God as the missional God, church as the missional community, and Christians as the missional people.

New Testament Theology and History

A study of the background contents of the New Testament with a view to placing the books in their historical setting. An introduction to critical methodology, New Testament theology and the contents of representative books.

Elementary Greek I

An introduction to the fundamentals of Greek for the study of the New Testament. Intended for MDiv and other theological students who wish to move quickly into the reading of the Greek New Testament.

Elementary Greek II

Continuation of Elementary Greek I. Prerequisite: Elementary Greek I

Greek Exegesis I

An introduction to the practice of Greek exegesis with a view to equipping the student with a methodology to interpret the New Testament text for the purpose of preaching and teaching. Prerequisite: Elementary Greek II.

Gospel of John

A study of the message of the Gospel of John in light of its historical, literary, and theological contexts. Special emphasis will be given to John’s argument, and key topics such as Christology, faith, life, and Holy Spirit. Prerequisites: Biblical Interpretation.

Gospel of Matthew

A study of the Gospel of Matthew on the basis of the Chinese/English text. The literary structure and characteristics, the portrayal of Jesus and the Gospel’s distinctive themes are discussed.

Greek Exegesis II

A continuation of the principles used in Greek Exegesis I applied to the Epistle to the Ephesians. An introductory study of textual criticism is included. Prerequisite: Greek Exegesis I.

Second Corinthians

Examines Second Corinthians to discover its teaching on the nature of true Christian ministry. Issues such as discipline and forgiveness, suffering and service, glory and humility, generosity and rewards are all topics that are discussed. Helps students discover ways in which to minister more effectively to the Body of Christ and the world in which we live. 

The Pastoral Epistles

A study of the messages of the letters of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus in light of their historical, literary, and theological background and setting. Special emphasis will be given to their relevance to the pastoral ministry in the contemporary society and culture.

Book Study: Romans

An interpretive (exegetical, structural, social, theological and pastoral) study of Paul’s letters to the Roman believers. Students will go through a detailed exposition of its contemporary application and missional motifs. Recommended prerequisite: New Testament Theology/Elementary Greek I/Elementary Greek II.

The Book of Revelation

A study of the Book of Revelation with a focus on its literary genre, theological themes and the various schools of interpretation. A detailed study of the argument with a view to teaching and preaching its content.

Old Testament Theology and History

Designed to provide the student with a general introduction to the historical, sociological and religious world in which the Old Testament was produced. It also discusses the discipline of Old Testament theology and major theological themes of the Old Testament. 

The Book of Psalms

Introduction to the theology and message of the Psalms through the study of the specific genres. In addition to the study of representative Psalms, the course focuses on the interpretation of the imprecatory Psalms and Messianic Psalms. Recommended prerequisite: Old Testament Theology and History.

The Book of Isaiah

An overview of the message of Isaiah with special emphases on the call of the prophet, the messianic passages, the concept of the remnant, the prophet’s teaching on social justice, the servant passages and the question of the authorship of chapters 40 to 66. Recommended prerequisite: Old Testament Theology and History.


The redaction history of Proverbs suggests that this book was not just a royal instruction manual or a databank of wisdom sayings from monarchical Israel. Individual proverbs have been reorganized to express different perspectives and fresh motifs in response to the challenge of a new cultural era. This course will focus on the theology of Proverbs and its place in the Kethuvim, with special attention to its structural and literary form and the application of its teaching to contemporary human and ecclesiastical life. Recommended prerequisite: Old Testament Theology and History.

The Twelve Minor Prophets

Explores the section of the Latter Prophets known as “The Book of the Twelve.” It considers the relationship of Hosea-Malachi and the problem of their ordering, as well as the reception history of these texts in the church and synagogue.

Hebrew Grammar I

An introduction to the basic principles of Biblical Hebrew with emphasis on morphology, phonology and syntax including same reading of selected portions of the Hebrew Old Testament.

Hebrew Grammar II

Continuation of Hebrew Grammar I. Prerequisite: Hebrew Grammar I.

The Book of Genesis

An overview of the message of Genesis with special emphases on the creation account; the six genealogies; the five extended narratives of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph; the literary structure of the book; the research on authorship and redaction history; and the paradigm shift in Pentateuchal criticism. Recommended prerequisite: Old Testament Theology and History.


Overview of the message of Deuteronomy with special emphasis on the review of wilderness wandering, the ten words of covenant at Horeb, the anticipation of entry into Canaan, the twenty paragraphs of Torah case studies, the literary structure of the book, the research on authorship and redaction history. Recommended prerequisite: Old Testament Theology and History.

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Pastoring in the Chinese Church

Examines the nature and theology of pastoral ministry with emphasis on the role of the pastor. Attention is given to the minister’s spiritual leadership as well as the practical aspects of the pastoral ministry, such as the preparation for preaching and worship, administration, baptism, communion, home visitation, funerals, weddings and other pastoral care ministries. Recommended prerequisite: Spiritual Formation.

Evangelism and Church Planting in the Chinese Community

Different methods of evangelism to reach the Chinese in North America will be studied, with a goal to establish a new church. The ways to reach the Mainland Chinese immigrants and scholars in North America and bringing them to Christ will also be addressed. Technicality and theories of church planting will be analyzed and evaluated. Case studies may be conducted. 

Introduction to Chinese Preaching

Teaches the basic principles of “bridging” what the biblical text meant in ancient times to what it means today, especially in the Chinese cultural context. This includes teaching the practical steps by which to develop the constituent parts of a sermon’s content. Consideration is also given to the important principles of effective delivery of the sermon. Opportunities are provided for each student to practice the principles and skills taught. Prerequisite: Biblical Interpretation and Applying Biblical Text. 

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Chinese Pastoral Counselling

Provides students with a basic understanding of the field of pastoral counselling, and prepares the students to be more effective in counselling as a pastor or lay leader. Essential elements of pastoral counselling are covered using the model of Christ as the “Wonderful Counsellor” (Isaiah). Opportunity is provided in small groups to practice basic counselling skills in a supervised setting. Practical tools and resources for building self-esteem and managing emotions are introduced for students to apply to their own lives and to help others. 

Advanced Chinese Preaching

Builds on the basic principles of sermon preparation and delivery taught in Introduction to Chinese Preaching. Attention will be given to the expository preaching of Old Testament biblical narratives. Besides the crafting of sermon outlines based on designated texts, students will be given sufficient opportunities through preaching laboratory sessions for sermon presentations and peer evaluation. Students will also be required to study and analyze different preaching styles and expository contents of assigned preachers. Prerequisites: Biblical Interpretation and Applying Biblical Text & Introduction to Chinese Preaching.

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Spiritual Formation

“You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy.” (Lev. 19:2, NASB) This course aims to help students to understand the importance of spiritual formation for genuine Christians and thus to help them to cultivate lives that are worthy of God’s calling them to be His holy people. The course will explore spiritual formation in biblical and theological perspectives and its implications for Christian life and ministry. The class will not only be a time for learning but also a space for students to experience the fellowship with God and His people. Various spiritual practices will be implemented in each class. The ultimate goal of the course is to help and encourage students to walk with the Holy God as His saints at all times, including in a classroom setting.

Christianity and Chinese Culture

Surveys the history, development and characteristics of the Chinese culture in comparison to the Christian faith (theology, anthropology and world view). Explores the possibility of a dialogue between the two traditions. Building on an interplay of diachronical (historical) and synchronical (thematic) approaches, explores the relationship and integration of Christianity and Chinese culture. Special emphasis is put on the application on apologetic evangelism, pastoral ministries, missiological considerations and theological contextualization. 

Systematic Theology I

A systematic study of Christian doctrines according to the evangelical tradition. Topics covered include prolegomena, revelation and Holy Scripture, the doctrines of God, creation, humanity and sin. Special emphases are placed upon the application of these doctrines in evangelism, apologetics, pastoral ministries, missiological considerations and theological contextualization. 

Systematic Theology II

Continuation of Systematic Theology I. Topics covered include the person and work of Christ, the Holy Spirit, the doctrine of salvation, ecclesiology and eschatology. Special emphases are placed upon the application of these doctrines in evangelism, apologetics, pastoral ministries, missiological considerations and theological contextualization. Recommended prerequisite: Systematic Theology I.

Chinese Church History and Theology

Survey of the development of the Christian church in China, from the Nestorians to the present, with emphasis on the 19th and 20th century Chinese church development up to 1949. Issues in Chinese church history will be discussed in light of evangelical theology. This course will include a survey of the major religious ideas in traditional Chinese society (Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Chinese animism and “neo-Confucianism”) as well as the impact of communism. Emphasis will be put on a critical examination of major theological developments and theologians emerging in the Chinese church in the 20th century, both within and outside the evangelical circle. 

Evangelism and Church Planting in the Chinese Community

This course prepares students for evangelism and missions ministry. Different methods of evangelism to reach the Chinese in North America will be studied, with a goal to establish a new church. The matter of how to bring the Chinese from Mainland China (immigrants or scholars) who are in North America to Christ will also be dealt with. Technicality and theories of church planting will be analyzed and evaluated. Case studies may be conducted.

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