Centre for leadership studies (CLS)

"But Jesus called them to Himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave — just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

– Matthew 20:25-28, NKJV

Founded in 2016, the Centre for Leadership Studies (CLS) is a research forum that brings academic rigor as well as ministerial perspectives into probing issues that are relevant and timely to the Chinese & Asian diaspora faith communities both in Canada and abroad from a Christian leadership perspective. The objective of the Centre is to initiate and facilitate such research and to disseminate its findings through publications and academic/ministerial events (e.g., conference, seminar, and symposium) that would foster healthy dialogue and sustainable learning of the critical issues that surface from the research among the Chinese diaspora churches.

Operating out of the overall structure of the Canadian Chinese School of Theology Calgary, the Centre partners with other theological institutions and other like-minded organizations in Canada and abroad to collaborate and share resources in the research endeavours. Such research engagements are multidisciplinary in nature and subscribe to a level of academic standards that would speak to both academic and ecclesiastical circles. In so doing, the Centre desires to be an institution that is Christ-centred with a Kingdom- focus that ultimately undergirds the research.

research Focus

Understand the trends of today, address the challenges of the times, and capitalize on opportunities for tomorrow.


Research into Chinese Churches in North America


Research into Chinses Christians in North America


Published Books

Listening to Their Voices

Voices of Pastors

加拿大華人教會普查 (2019)



Book for Canadian-born Generation of Chinese Christians

A faculty at the University of Nottingham:
Practical Theology [Volume 15, Issues 6 (2022) 
a book, old books, read-4083606.jpg
Book Review of "How AmI Going to Grow Up"
a book, old books, read-4030709.jpg
Book Review of "How AmI Going to Grow Up"


Book Launch Events



626 E 58th Ave., Vancouver, BC V5X 1W2

Vancouver Chinese Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship

10 am, Sep. 16, 2023

Vancouver Chinese Alliance Church

3330 Knight St, Vancouver, BC V5N 3K8

South Calgary Chinese Evangelical Free Church

10 am, Sep. 23, 2023

340 39 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 1X6

SCCEFC 南卡城華人播道會


340 39 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 1X6



8810 65Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 0J7

