Programs Overview

Doctor of Ministry (DMIN) Program

The Doctor of Ministry is an advanced professional degree program designed for those engaged in the full-time practice of ministry and holding a Master of Divinity or equivalent. This is a three-year, part-time, in-ministry program.

Master of Theology (THM) Program

The purpose of the Master of Theology degree is to provide students with an opportunity for study in Bible, Theology or History at the most advance level short of a Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) or Doctor of Theology (ThD) program.

Master of Divinity (MDiv) Program

The three-year (30 course) Master of Divinity Program is the normative degree to prepare persons for ordained ministry and for general pastoral and religious leadership responsibilities in congregations and other settings. It is the required degree for admission to the Doctor of Ministry and Master of Theology programs. The frequently recommended degree for admission to advance programs oriented to theological research and teaching.

Master of Theological Studies (MTS) Program

The two-year (20 course) Master of Theological Studies is a foundational program in graduate theological studies. The purpose of the MTS is to development theological understanding for general education purposes and enrichment, or for further graduate study.

Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies

The one-year (10 course) Graduate Diploma program provides foundational biblical, theological and ministry formation competencies for adult learners wishing spiritual enrichment, personal growth and leadership development. These programs provide students with an opportunity to tailor their studies to meet their learning and ministry needs.

Bachelor of Religious Education (BRE)

The Bachelor of Religious Education is a three-year pre-professional degree to prepare students for ministry in churches, para-church organizations, or missions. This is an excellent degree for those already in ministry, or for those planning to become involved in ministry.