Financial Aid
The Selection Committee for Scholarship of the Applicant will review the applications and make decisions to award the scholarship to students based on the eligible criteria of the scholarships.
The current members of the Selection Committee for Scholarship of the Applicant are Rev. Dr. John Zheng (Provos) and Rev. Dr. In Chul Park (Academic Dean).
Peter & Grace Tong Bursary/Scholarship and Lawyer Yue Song Bursary
The Applicant currently provides two scholarships including Peter & Grace Tong Burrsary/Scholarship and Lawyer Yue Song Bursary.
The information on scholarship is posted in the annual report of Association of Canadian Chinese Theological Education (ACCTE) and the monthly report of CCST Calgary, and announced at the opening ceremony of the school.
Students eligible for the Peter & Grace Tong Scholarship and Bursary must be a full-time student enrolled in a seminary at CCST Calgary and achieve academic excellence.
Students eligible for Lawyer Yue Song Bursary must be enrolled in a seminary at the Applicant and in need of financial assistance to pay for the tuition.
All students must apply for the scholarship by completing required application forms.