Academic policies and procedures

Academic Appeals

General Academic Appeals

A student may submit a written request and include copies of any prior correspondence with Seminary personnel to the Academic Dear on issues of an academic nature.

Appealing a Grade on an Assignment

A student may informally contest a grade for an assignment by discussing it with the professor within 14 days of receiving the grade. If this does not bring about satisfactory resolution, the student may bring the matter to the attention of the department head, who will then discuss it with the professor. The department head may choose to have the assignment marked by another faculty member. If the department head is the professor in question, the student will discuss the matter with the Academic Dean. The decision of the Academic Dean will be final.

Appealing a Final Grade in a Course

A student may informally contest a grade by discussing it with the professor upon receipt of the grade. If this does not bring about satisfactory resolution, a student may formally contest a final grade within 14 days from the date the grade was posted. The procedure us:

1. The student will submit to the professor, in writing, the reasons for contesting the grade.
2. The professor will respond in writing to the student with 10 days.
3. If this does not bring about satisfactory resolution, the student may take his/her grievance to the Academic Dean who will rule on the matter. To do this, the student must submit a written request and include a copy of the student’s statement to the professor and the professor’s response.
4. If a student feels that he or she can demonstrate a grade discrepancy of at least one letter grade, he or she may appeal to the Academic Dean.
5. The Academic Dean’s decision is final.

Academic Honesty

Canadian Chinese School of Theology (CCST) expects students to conform to the highest standard of ethics in the completion of all assignments. Academic dishonesty is a serious matter. Honesty in written and verbal assignments requires a balance between using words and ideas that are part of the common domain and careful ascription of borrowed ideas and words. Ideas and words of others may be used only with acknowledgment. Failure to do so is plagiarism, the literary version of stealing. The most obvious form of plagiarism is the direct quotation of words without quotation marks, parenthetical ascription, footnotes or endnotes. Less obvious forms of plagiarism consist of paraphrases of another person’s words and the use of an opinion with no reference to the source. Academic dishonesty also includes the submission of work for which previous credit was given, the submission of work under one’s own name that is largely the result of another person’s efforts, aiding another’s dishonesty, cheating on exams and giving false information for the purpose of gaining admission, credits, etc. The submission of one paper for two courses is not permitted. Approval of faculty is required for an expanded paper, on a project common to two courses of study, to be acceptable.

Consequences of Academic Dishonesty

If a student is suspected of academic dishonesty, the following steps will be taken:

1. The professor will meet with the student to discuss the situation and consult with the
Academic Dean or designate. The Dean of Student Life may be informed.
2. If deliberate dishonesty has been established, a mark of zero will be given for the
assignment or the exam. Other instances of academic dishonesty will be dealt with on an
individual basis.
3. When a penalty for academic dishonesty has been imposed, the student will be referred to the
Dean of Student Life for follow-up. The Office of the Registrar will be informed that a penalty
for academic dishonesty has been imposed and a notation will be made in the student’s file.
4. If a second instance of academic dishonesty occurs, the student faces expulsion. The matter
will be brought before the Academic Planning Committee for adjudication.
5. An appeal may be made by following the Academic Appeals procedure.

Academic Probation and Suspension

Academic Probation and Suspension

1. The Registrar automatically assigns academic probation to students whose cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) falls below 2.0 (“C”), or who have more than one failed course, after the completion of one semester (four courses).
2. The Registrar will inform such students in writing that they are being placed on academic probation and will also notify the Academic Dean and Dean of Student Life.
3. Students on academic probation will not normally be allowed to take more than three courses in the next semester and must maintain a “C” average with no failures.

Removal of Probationary Status

1. Probationary status is reviewed at the end of each semester once final grades are received.
2. Academic probation may be removed after the equivalent of one semester (4 courses) with at least a “C” average (2.0) and with no failing grades.
3. Students who fail to meet the criteria for the removal of probation after two consecutive semesters will have their status reviewed by the Registrar. Possible consequences include denial of permission to register for further courses.

Academic suspension

1. Students whose semester Grade Point Average (GPA) falls below 1.0 (“D”) will not be allowed to take courses for one year, after which they may apply for readmission to the school.
2. A student may request to be readmitted after serving their suspension by writing a letter to the Academic Dean. The letter is reviewed and a decision is communicated in writing. A student who wishes to return to their studies after 3 years from the point of suspension must contact the Admissions Office and go through the readmission process.
3. Credit for courses taken elsewhere during this period of academic suspension will not be applied to the student’s studies at the Seminary.
4. The Registrar will notify students of their status and relevant procedures.

Graduation Requirements


Graduating students in Master of Divinity, Master of Theological Studies, Graduate Diploma are required to have a passing grade in all subjects as prescribed in their program and have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.0.
Graduating students in Master of Theology are required to have at least a B- grade in all the eight required courses as prescribed in the program and have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0.
Graduating students in Doctor of Ministry are required to have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0.


Students must complete an Intention to Graduate form by the published deadline in order to graduate at the Spring or Fall convocation. No additions to the list of graduating students will be made after the deadline.

Convocation Ceremony
Graduating students are expected to attend. Those graduating students who are unable to attend are required to inform the Office of the Registrar.

Exit Interview
Feedback from graduating students is vital to the Seminary’s annual evaluation process. Students are expected to meet with their major/program coordinator for an exit interview and complete the Graduating Student Questionnaire.
Outstanding Fees
Graduating students must ensure that all outstanding tuition fees and library fines are paid in full and all library books are returned.

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