Doctor of Ministry (DMIN) Program

DMin Program Overview

Education Objective 

From the perspective of practical theology, the purpose of establishing the Doctor of Ministry program at the Canadian Chinese School of Theology Calgary is to enhance the ministry execution of those serving in Chinese churches and institutions worldwide.

Program Outcome

 The Doctor of Ministry is the highest earned degree for the profession of ministry.  Through strategic action research, our goals are to provide an advanced understanding of the nature and purposes of ministry, enhanced competencies in pastoral analysis and ministerial skills, integrating biblical and theological reflection into practical ministry, trending new development and knowledge related to the practice of ministry, and fostering continued growth in spiritual maturity. 

Program Distinctive 

Since this professional doctorate is designed to facilitate growth and further equip Christian leaders to guide their organizations and congregations into new levels of mission and maturity, we have identified the following distinctive:

  • Design a relevant learning model for students with ministry backgrounds in North America and Europe
  • Emphasize ministry integration with contemporary biblical and theological verdicts
  • Promote mutual encouragement for advanced study in a group-learning environment
  • Facilitate peer review and evaluation as well as self-directed learning
  • Endorse qualitative research and action research as project research methodology
  • Consent with flexible library access and online resources
  • Discuss the research direction of individual thesis-project with the advisor

 Program Outline

 Being enrolled in the CCST Calgary DMin program, each student is expected to complete in three years while engaging in professional ministry.  The maximum completion time for the CCST Calgary DMin program is six years.  Students move through the program in a unique sequence allowing significant networking and support within the group.  The CCST Calgary DMin program includes two-week online studies each May-July and each January-March, ongoing online collaboration and resourcing, and a thesis-project. At the end of the third year, the DMin candidate must undertake an oral final examination of his/her thesis-project.


Admission Requirements and Procedures

Like other professional doctorate degrees, the DMin requires meeting certain requirements before entering the program.  These qualifications increase the likelihood of successful engagement with and completion of the program.  The Admissions Committee meets to consider applications completed by April 1st or November 1st.  Starting in 2024, the entry DMin class will be held yearly in May/July.  Submission of an application does not imply acceptance of the applicant by CCST Calgary.  The committee considers each applicant’s apparent readiness and suitability for the program.

Admission Requirements

The following are some of the criteria used for admission to CCST Calgary’s DMin program:


  • Master of Divinity degree from an ATS or ATA accredited institution with a minimum B average (3.0 GPA).
  • Applicants without an MDiv, but with another master’s degree, are welcome to inquire about admission. Transcripts will be assessed on an individual basis to evaluate MDiv educational equivalency.  If needed, a customized preparatory study path will be formulated to enable the applicant to address any deficiencies and meet requirements.  All academic requirements must be met before beginning DMin studies.

Ministry Experience

  • Three full years of ministry experience post theological degree. Persons without this complement of experience may in some cases be able to satisfy the requirement with special arrangements.  CCST Calgary is limited in the number of persons it may admit under such conditions.
  • Current involvement in a substantive, recognized ministry with accountability and scope for leadership initiatives.

Admission Procedures

  • Your application, fee, and all supporting materials must be sent directly to the Canadian Chinese School of Theology Calgary Admissions Office at Unit #211, 240 Midpark Way SE., Calgary, AB T2X 1N4 Canada
  • Application Fee: $100 (CAD): North American non-refundable application fee; $150 (CAD): Non-North American non-refundable application fee
  • Curriculum Vitae: Submit an updated resume including details of your educational, ministerial and employment experience.
  • Application form: Complete the paper application form, including an indication that you are aware of the Statement of Faith of the Canadian Chinese School of Theology Calgary.
  • Personal Witness Statement (5-7 double spaced pages): outlining key milestones in your spiritual and vocational journey, a description of your current ministry context, your reasons for applying to this program including specific ways in which you hope to grow and develop as a leader, your goals and visions for the future, your research interests or key ministry questions you are interested in exploring, and examples of your recent relevant reading and ongoing professional development.
  • Official transcripts for all post-secondary education sent directly from each of the institutions that you have attended. If you are unable to obtain your transcripts, please contact the Admissions Office.
  • One academic reference from a professor, or someone with academic status, who can attest to your academic capacities to undertake DMin studies.
  • One character reference from a pastor attesting to your personal and professional suitability for this program.
  • A letter of support/endorsement from an official representative of your congregation or organization affirming support of your DMin work including the organization’s willingness for you to be engaged in a project or assignments related to your ministry.
  • An interview with the Director of the DMin program and members of the Admissions Committee.
  • English Language Proficiency: Applicants needs to demonstrate his/her ability to do research using both Chinese and English. Applicants whose first language is not English and who have not studied for three years in an English speaking post-secondary institution (where English is the language of instruction and examinations are completed in English) need to submit proof of English language proficiency by completing the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the Test of Written English (TWE). An interview or a Language Writing and Diagnostic Test administered by CCST may also be required at the discretion of the Admissions Committee.
  • Fitness Proof: We are dependent upon the integrity of the individual to verify at the time of admission to the community that they are physically and emotionally fit to fulfill their responsibilities. We recognize that physical and emotional conditions may change and policies are in place to assist in the equitable dealing with such changes. Major changes in an applicant’s situation that occur prior to the application review date should be reported to the DMin admission office.


  • The DMin Admissions Committee meets twice a year (April and November) to assess completed applications and offer admission to qualified, ready, and appropriate persons for the program.
  • The Admissions Committee will consider only completed applications. The Admissions Committee, in concert with the DMin Program Director, will communicate the decisions to the applicants normally within one month of the date for review. Applicants not offered a place in the program may re-apply in the future.


  • A candidate who wishes to re-enter the program after voluntary withdrawal, course failure, suspension, or inability to pay tuition must complete a special re-entry application including a personal witness statement, an updated ministry endorsement, official transcripts from any post-secondary institution(s) attended since the withdrawal, an updated project proposal, an admission interview, and a $200 (CAD) reactivation fee. The Admissions Committee will decide on applications for re-admission at its regular admission intakes (April and November).
  • Re-admission is not automatic and is dependent on the satisfactory addressing of issues that prompted the original withdrawal. Re-entering students may need to start at a point in the program prior to that when they withdraw.  A thesis-project proposal will need to be resubmitted and new arrangements made with an advisor.  Tuition will be at the current rate at the time of re-admission.  Students who have been absent from the Seminary for five years or more must complete a full application and re-apply to the admissions committee.

DMin Curriculum

The DMin is a professional doctorate degree, which is by nature different from the PhD research/academic doctorate.  Essentially professional degrees are designed to enhance the professional’s practice.  Therefore, the centrepiece for the DMin is a thesis-project that is typically problem or opportunity-based and intervention-oriented.  Contrary to PhD research, the framework of DMin research is more likely to be applied, action, evaluative, or project-related and situation-specific.  The DMin degree usually requires that a person be currently engaged full-time in their profession, the context of which serves as a laboratory for their professional development, research, and project.

Delivery Format

The basic design of the DMin program rests on the sequential model, which encourages collaboration and completion of the program.  Research and collaborative learning continue throughout the year, supported by an interactive website and library resources.

Depending on thesis-project completion, the normal length of program study is three years. With special approval, the maximum length of study may be extended to six years. The delivery format has the following arrangement:

  • Three-Year sequential program (see program timetable)
  • Six two-week intensive class sessions and a final thesis-project examination
  • Each two-week intensive class session will be held online
  • The time slot of an intensive class session is during May-July and January-March
  • The yearly new DMin program start time is May-July
  • Each three credits course has one-week class interaction (Monday to Friday, 30 hours) with pre-class and post-class assignments
  • The usual time slot for thesis-project examination (oral report) is in March-April

A program director and a thesis-project supervisor, together with a team of qualified and experienced teachers and advisors, lead the CCST Calgary DMin program.  Adult learning and leadership formation principles inform the pedagogy.  The formational approach involves the following:

  • Leadership assessments
  • Project advisors and consultants
  • Peer learning groups
  • Informative, experiential, interactive and reflective class sessions
  • Web-supported interactive learning
  • Personal growth support through coaching, spiritual direction, ministry mentoring and/or counselling
  • Relevant reading and assignments
  • Integration of conceptual learning, leadership behaviours, and project completion.


Students should expect to spend at least one day a week on DMin assignments and project research in addition to the intensives.  Students should make plans to attend all sessions of the intensives; schedules at this time should be cleared of other responsibilities so that there is time for research, processing, collaboration, and recovery.


Academic Curriculum

CCST Calgary DMin program focuses on ministry with five core courses, three courses on the thesis-project, and four elective courses.  These courses highlight on the biblical, theological and cultural foundations with ministry integration for the formation of the leader. Throughout the program, ministry strategy and implementation are grounded by an applied research project, culminating in a written thesis and oral report. 

Required DMin academic credits: 36 credits total

Core (5×3 credits): 15 credits

  • DM901 Research Methods & Methodology
  • DM911 Theology & Ministry Integration
  • DM912 Old Testament & Ministry Integration
  • DM913 New Testament & Ministry Integration
  • DM914 Chinese Culture & Ministry Integration

Thesis-Project (3×3 credits): 9 credits

  • DM902 Ministry Research Proposal
  • DM903 Ministry Research Project
  • DM904 Ministry Research Thesis
  • DM905 Ministry Research Extension (if necessary, repeatable)

Elective Courses (maximum four as offered, 4×3 credits): 12 credits

  • DM921 Leadership in Ministry
  • DM922 Preaching and Church Ministry
  • DM923 Pastoral Counselling and Church Ministry
  • DM924 Gospel Outreach and Church Planting
  • DM925 Disciple Making and Church
  • DM926 Spiritual Formation and Church
  • DM927 Church Family Ministry
  • DM928 Next Generation in the Church
  • DM929 Cross-Cultural Missions in the Church
  • Others